Game Night
Join us Friday, March 24th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Greenfield School for a family-friendly game night for all! Bingo in the cafeteria, inflatables in the gym, quiet games in the library, and so much more! Bring cash for food trucks and snacks from the Theater Club. Tickets and packets may be purchased below in our online store. (Pre-pay via PayPal/credit card by Thursday, March 23rd at 5:00 pm or cash at the door.)
Admission: $2 per person for the event (each attendee over the age of two)
Bingo Packets: $5 per packet. Each packet includes 3 sheets of 3 boards. You may purchase as many as you'd like.
Bingo Session Passes: You must also sign-up for a Bingo session. Session attendance is free, but seating is limited. Families may only sign up for one timed session. Sessions are 5:45-6:15, 6:20- 6:50, and 6:55- 7:25. There will be three games in each session, with a $50 win for each game.
Raffle Tickets and 50/50 Tickets are also available. Discounted prices are available for multiple ticket purchases.
Use the online store below to pay ahead of time with PayPal/credit card. We will prepare your items for pick-up on Game Night. Food purchases will be made at the event. ALL CHILDREN MUST ATTEND WITH AN ADULT (even middle school age and teenagers)! Sign-ups to volunteer or donate items are appreciated!