الجمعة، 02 ديسمبر
Greenfield Holiday Parade
Line-up begins in the Sq. Hill Plaza Parking Lot. Please arrive by 6:15. The parade starts at 7:00. Our school's theme is The Polar Express. All participants should dress in their warmest holiday PJs and robes. After, join us in the school lot for hot cocoa, music, and more!
Time & Location
02 ديسمبر 2022، 6:15 م
Pittsburgh, Hazelwood Ave & Murray Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA
About the Event
What: Neighborhood Holiday Parade
When: Friday Dec. 2 nd
Where: Line-up begins in the Sq. Hill Plaza Parking Lot (Hazelwood & Murray) Please arrive by 6:15, parade starts at 7:00.
Greenfield School’s theme is The Polar Express. All participants should dress in their warmest holiday PJ’s and
robes. Feel free to bring bags of candy to throw to the crowd, holiday lights, train décor (for our truck) PTO will provide the bells!
After Party: Greenfield School Parking Lot (Parade ends at Greenfield Ave. and Lydia St.)
Join us for Hot Cocoa, music, lights and more! Port-a-Potty included (you’ll thank us!)