الثلاثاء، 31 أغسطس
العودة إلى المدرسة ليلا
بعد زيارة معلميك وفصولك الدراسية ، يرجى الانضمام إلينا في الميدان!
Time & Location
31 أغسطس 2021، 4:00 م – 6:00 م
بيتسبرغ, 1 شارع الجزائر ، بيتسبرغ ، بنسلفانيا 15207 ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
About the Event
We can't wait to see you all at Back to School Night. After you visit your teachers and classrooms, please join us on the field! We will have a little goodie bag for the students to help kick-start their year. We will have areas for each grade group and a parent representative to answer any questions about school. While parents are chatting, we will have lots of games for the kids to play and enjoy re-connecting with their friends. Don't forget masks are required for everyone. If you can't make Back to School Night, we can't wait to see you at 8:25am on September 3 for the first day of school for our K-8th graders!
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!